My Pi Button – 3.14

In March, I made a button for Pi Day. We had bought buttons from a store and decorated a piece of paper with stuff about Pi. Like how it’s an irrational number, or some amount of numbers of Pi, like 3.14, which is what some people wrote, but I just fit as much as I could, or simply just the Pi symbol.



THIS IS MY BUTTON   ——————————>




Have you ever done anything for Pi Day, or even heard of it? Leave your answer down below in the comments.

Tourist Attractions

One tourist attraction in my country is  Hollywood. I know it sounds weird, but it’s pretty cool. There’s the Walk of Fame, which boasts famous peoples name’s inside of stars. You know like Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson,  Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, David Bowie, and Mickey Mouse. I’ve actually seen his name in a star there. No joke. There are also famous movie sets.


Another tourist attraction in my country is The Statue of Liberty. It’s in the New York Harbor. It’s made out of copper, but it’s turned green, because it’s been exposed to the elements, undergoing a sequence of chemical reactions that give it a muted exterior. The torch is an emblem of insight. It “Lights up the path” to freedom, revealing to us, Liberty. The ceremonial title is on behalf of her most important sign “Liberty Enlightening the World”. People can go inside of it and go into the torch and the crown thingy, and look out over everything they can see.


And the third and final tourist attraction I will be sharing about with you is the Grand Canyon. The canyon is in Arizona, and about 277 miles in length, 1 mile deep, and 10 miles in width. The majority of the land is a national park, with the Colorado River rapids and sweeping vistas. The Grand Canyon is formed naturally of sheets of red rock.


I really enjoyed writing about these places because I learned more about them and different tourist attractions in my country.

Comment down below if you’ve ever heard of or been to any of these places.

Super Sciencey

On October 16, 2015 our class went on a field trip to the State University to visit the Physical Science Lab.  At the lab we got to put on lab coats and goggles.  Our class was divided into six different groups.

Group one was called What Makes Up Sugar?  There we played Periodic Table Bingo, and we learned the photosynthesis equation.   DSC04845

6CO2  +  6H2O Sun Wiggles + ———->  C6H12O6  +  6O2

At station number two we learned about leaf cells.  My group got to look through hand lenses and microscopes.  The first microscope we looked through was a 20x microscope, the second was a 100x ,  the third was a 1000x.  We had to draw what we saw.  In the end of that station,  if my group was done drawing,  we got to look at a screen,  that was some sort of times a lot microscope.

Serena Cell Sketch       DSC05028

At station three, Too Many Leaves, we learned about transpiration. The groups also learned about plant protection, and biomes. We had to write the biomes and a few plants that live in each.  We also had to draw needle leaves and a broad leaf.

Serena Too Many Leaves Sketch

What’s Da Stomata was station four, where we learned about how the stomata work. Air, including CO2, goes in and air with more O2 and H2O come out. Then we had to draw and label the stomata.


The next station, station five, we learned about xylem and phloem. Sugar travels through the phloem, and water, through the xylem. At that station they also put red dye in water with celery in it. It showed how water travels through the xylem, through little tube-like parts of the plant. Usually water’s clear right? But now that the water’s red, you can actually see it moving from the bottom to the top in the little tubes. Normally you can’t. The veins in the leaves were red and so were the edges. We also labeled a picture of a flower.


The next station was called Light Spectrum. There we learned that all the colors of the rainbow go into the leaf but only green meets the human eye. That is called chlorophyll. The lady that ran the station had a mortar and pestle, and put leaves in it. We each got a turn trying to crush it and let the chlorophyll out. Then she poured the crushed leaves into a coffee filter over a tall graduated cylinder. Since it takes a long time to filter, she had a pre-made one, with which she showed us what the chlorophyll looks like. It basically looks like water with green food dye in it.Then we got to look through spectrometers. Just like leaves, all the colors of the rainbow go into lights, but only yellow meets the human eye. Through spectrometers, you can see all the colors. The colors are a lot brighter and stronger when the cover is off.

Serena Spectrum Light Sketch    DSC04869

My group did them in order of “Too Many Leaves”, “What’s Da Stomata”, “Xylem and Phloem”, “Light Spectrum”, “Periodic Table Bingo”, and last, but certainly not least “Leaf Cells.”

After we took off our goggles and coats, we ate. Before we went into the lab, we had a tour of a small part of the campus. 😉

Online – Offline

Online – I think I’m probably more creative with my writing and what I say, because I have more time to think about creative words to say.  I’m pretty expressive.

Offline – I like to talk to my friends, spend time with my family, and draw.  I also like the performing arts.  I’m pretty expressive.

My New Avatar

Screenshot 2016-03-22 at 10.55.44 AM

This is my avatar. I chose to make it like this because I have brown, wavy hair and brown eyes.  I have a shirt like that, with all of those colors.

My avatar was made on Chibi Maker, where you can pick out clothes and add details to them. Make you, you!                                                                                                                                 

Student Council – May the Force be with You!

I’m a student council representative. We got new shirts that say on the front, STUDENT COUNCIL STRONGER THAN ANY OTHER COUNCIL, and on the back,

BElieve                                                                                                                                                                       THEre is                                                                                                                                                                   GOOD in                                                                                                                                                                     The World

SC StrongerSC Believe

I’m one of the Secretaries, along with Mary.  Mary takes Roll and writes stuff on The Board sometimes, and I write in The Journal.  Katie is President, Kim and Enrique are Vice Presidents, and Mason and Dulce are PR’s (Public Relations). I like taking notes and making posters to announce spirit days and events.


Baile Folklórico

On August 26th, 2015, our school{s Baile Folklórico dance group started up. This year Daisy, Kaliyah, Irais, Jada, Austin, Dulce, and I all joined. There were sixty people who joined the troupe at first, but now there are only about half as many.  It’s challenging in many ways.  The steps are complicated and the costumes are heavy, so you get tired.  Also, practices take a lot of time.  But when you actually perform, it’s worth it, and it’s fun to be with friends from other classes and schools.  This is what the dance ‘El jarabe tapatío’ looks like:

Dulce and Serena Bailefolklorico Brushed Edge

Being involved in dance groups isn’t just fun. It’s also really healthy for you. It keeps you on your feet. If you’re not in a dance group already, you should think about joining one. 😀